Young Brain Tumor Survivor Commits Suicide


Aurora Coria (12th), Reporter

The battle of a lifetime commenced for Bethany Thomson at the age of three, or simply stated– the time the doctor diagnosed her with a brain tumor.

Treatment after treatment, she conquered her enemy but there was another battle headed her way.

Thomson’s radiation treatments, though successful, left their mark on the eleven year old girl. Nerve damage permanently altered Bethany’s smile, a vulnerability that her classmates took notice of.

Bullying proved to be nothing new to the middle school student and her best friend. In fact, they attempted to spread positivity wherever they went.

Posters that promoted anti-bullying displayed the message, “Buddies, not bullies,” and were shown to the administrators of her school district, but the girls were not allowed to showcase them (The Modesto Bee).

What was simply supposed to be a bus ride home took a turn for the worse when Bethany confided in her best friend that she planned to take her life that evening.

Alarmed and confused, her best friend’s father immediately called Bethany’s mother to inform her of the news his daughter had presented him with.

By the time her mother was up to date, it was too late. The young girl had shot herself in her backyard, her stepfather, Paul Thompson, in the room next door.

He’s recently shared with CNN, “She was my princess…Life revolved around her for me.”

The school Bethany had attended is said to have known about the bullying issue, as confirmed by the Superintendent, yet nothing came out of them taking action.

A meeting with the principal the Monday before she took her life revealed that an investigation was going on concerning the bullying accusations.

Bethany’s family considered transferring her to a different school in a new area, but reconsidered considering everyone in their town knew her story.

They knew why she was different, her mom “thought it was safer” (CNN).

Bethany would meet with a counselor in order to help her with her self-esteem as well as her coping skills. Her friends supported her in everything she did.

Despite the friends’ effort in keeping Bethany safe and away from bullies, a specific group of boys were known for teasing her regularly.

The Thompson family received an endless amount of support in their community. Fundraisers were organized in order to cover funeral costs and an abundant amount of donations flooded the household.

Funds that remain will be used by the Thompson’s in an effort to stop bullying as well as “set up a scholarship fund in Bethany’s name” (CNN).