Missing Students in Mexico


Nicole Mata (9th), Reporter

Many of Mexico’s citizens may never gain back their trust and respect towards their government after the event that occurred on September 26, 2014, when forty-three students were reported missing after being taken by police.

On the day of September 26, forty-three college students from Guerrero, Mexico were reported missing after protesting in Inguala, Mexico.  To this day, they still have not been found.

It all started when police began to shoot at the bus the students were on, all of them were unarmed. Six of the many were killed and forty-three were taken to never be seen again.

According to SOA (Schools Of America) Watch, a student who escaped the terrifying event describes how the police “were hitting the students as they took them. People were scared about being shot so they gave themselves up. They thought they would just be arrested, but something else awaited them.”

Many citizens feared that the college students had been handed over by police to a near-by criminal gang, Guerreros Undios. Many of these students who were abducted by police were poor farm boys that did well in school and withheld the few options available rather than working on the fields.

A few of the abducted students included Júlio Céaser, 19, Leonel Castro, 19, Adán Abraham de la Cruz, 23, Jorge Aníbal Cruz, 19, and Israel Jacinto Lugardo, 19.

Some governments, such as Mexico’s, only hears the input from the rich rather than hearing the input of all the Mexican citizens and uniting every citizen no matter the wealth or race.

Felipe De La Cruz, father of one of the missing students explains how “the Mexican government has not been able to provide any answers but they have closed the case like many others, so that it can be forgotten.”

The government closes the case unwilling of solving the one out of many massacres.

The only hope for Mexico’s’ citizens is for their government to banish all links and connection between drug cartels, and to stop the corruption before many more innocent people become victims.