Undertale: Not Your Average RPG


Selena Spiegel (12th), Reporter

Undertale, released on September 15, is an RPG-based game created by Toby Fox. This game isn’t your normal RPG; instead of relying on pointless random encounters, gaining of EXP (Experience Points), and empty boss fights, Undertale makes the player responsible for their every action, and at times, the actions can leave a heavy mark on the game’s outcome, for better or for worse.

Undertale takes place in an enchanted universe where monsters and humans used to peacefully coexist until a tragic war occurred, resulting in the humans ruling the land. The monsters were banished underground, sealed by a magic barrier, never to see the light of day again. One entrance exists to the outside world and one day, a child, whom the player can name, enters the underground, changing the events from there on.

The child, who the player takes the role of, explores the newfound universe. Along this journey, the player has to make the choice between two main routes: No Mercy and Pacifist. A No Mercy route forces the player to kill the characters they meet along the way and, as the route states, show no mercy. The Pacifist route allows the player to spare the characters in combat and form friendships with them, leading them to the best possible ending of the game.

If the player chooses the No Mercy route, the characters will not be sparse in giving them grief. The gameplay, normally full of banter and memorable puns, will turn into a walking nightmare. After each murder committed, the player will be reminded about it as the game moves forward. The only sound in the game from then onward will be a lonesome heartbeat and the occasional menacing track.

Undertale is a turn-based battle game, much like traditional RPGs are. The gameplay, while turn-based, has a series of mechanism not found in traditional RPG games. While the player can fight the monsters, there is an “ACT” button present, that allows the player to talk or interact with the monster.

For example, there is a monster in the series that continuously hums a song, if the player hums along, they can put on a concert where other monsters will come and watch. If enough acts are performed correctly, the player can use the “MERCY” button to spare or flee the battle, where they do not have to harm the monster at all.

In battle, the player controls a heart, which represents their soul. The heart has to dodge attacks unique to every character’s personality; it is based on time and reflex.

Undertale provides a fleshed out, beautifully designed environment. Each place visits has a distinct song, unique to the environment’s personality. The music is reminiscent to old Nintendo games, relying on chiptunes, synthesized electronic music, to pull on the player’s heart strings. The distinct melodies allow the player to fall further into Undertale’s trance.

There are 101 tracks on the official soundtrack.

The graphics are solely pixels, but do not let that drive Undertale away. The pixels provide an artistic, enchanting touch. It allows one to not focus on the graphics while playing, but on the events occurring around them and the artistic beauty of it all.

The script is creatively written and can either make the player laugh with its terrible puns or cry with its heart wrenching moments. There are countless NPCs (Non-playable Character) to interact with.

The player can form friendships with all the characters, each with their own unique personality.

This game is full of twist and turns from the very beginning. Undertale is not only a game the player plays, it plays them as well. It makes the players realize all choices have consequences and with them, bring long-lasting effects.

Undertale is currently available on Steam for both Mac and Windows platforms with an astonishing rating of 10/10 stars.