Pope Francis Questions Trump’s Faith


Kat Martinez (9th), Reporter

One of the biggest controversies of the presidential campaign this year is Donald Trump and his plan to control the number of immigrants in the United States. Trump plans to build a massive wall along the US- Mexican border.

Donald Trump has referred to being Christian quite a few times.

Recently, Trump was speaking about this plan of his, and Pope Francis (religious leader of the Catholic church) made a comment questioning the religion of Trump.

Pope Francis said “A person who thinks only of building walls anywhere, rather than building bridges, is not a Christian.” Due to the Pope and his Latin background, Trump believes the Mexican Authorities were putting bad things into the Pope’s head and “using him as a pawn” because of their wanting to pull away from the United States. The Pope said those who build walls aren’t showing true Christianity.

In response to the comment made, Trump was a bit bothered. He said “I don’t care!” and “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful.” Some said he “dismissed the comment” although he had much to say about it.

Trump said, “If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president.”

Recently, Pope Francis explained that he didn’t start the conflict amongst himself and Trump but that he was approached by a journalist who asked questions regarding Donald Trump. Pope Francis said he spoke indirectly in every response regarding him.

Trump previously said the pope was “a political man” and due to this, the pope didn’t say much because he wasn’t going to influence Americans by telling us who to vote for. The only thing he did respond to was the plan of the wall along the borders and all he said was that the act wasn’t showing true Christianity.

As all this grew to an end, Trump did say that he respects the Pope and how great of a leader and man he is. He just thinks the Pope was misinformed and had only heard one side of the story.