Indiana Jones is Back At It Again


Lesley Sandoval (9th), Reporter

Recently it was announced that there would be a brand new Indiana Jones movie to fill the void it had left in the audience’s hearts. So to top things off, Harrison Ford will be coming back in his ironic role. Lately after the announcement of the newest sequel to the Indiana Jones series there has been a lot of back and forth arguments.

Most of Disney’s fans have been picking many arguments because of “Indy’s” age. At the beginning of Indiana Jones’ adventures he was a young glistening star now he’s an older version of that same star.

Another question that has popped up on the internet is “Who asked for this movie?” Lately Disney has been doing plenty of remakes and new releases and the public has had no problem with the movies. However apparently with this movie there’s a problem.

It also doesn’t seem to help that Steven Spielberg is returning to direct the movie, because only hardcore fans were happy about this announcement.

Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn called the character of Indiana Jones “one of the greatest heroes in cinematic history”, he also said, “It’s rare to have such a perfect combination of director, producers, actor and role, and we couldn’t be more excited to embark on this adventure with Harrison and Steven.”

Apparently Disney is excited about the 5th adventure of their beloved Indiana Jones. Seeing the success of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, surely Disney and everyone working behind the scenes on the film has high hopes that the movie will also be a ginormous success.

Since the Star Wars and the Indiana Jones franchise both started during the late 70’s

and early 80’s both franchises also seemed to take long breaks. Star Wars always to be a long wait  but after the movie premieres it always seems as if the time lost was quickly made back.

The film will also make it seem like a void is being filled for anyone who saw the newest addition to Star Wars, since Harrison Ford played Han Solo. Seeing Ford in a new movie will hopefully fill something that Han Solo’s death opened. Even since he still lives in the hearts of every Star Wars fan.

Hopefully the newest addition to Indiana Jones will help the audience make Harrison Ford even cooler than he already is especially since Steven Spielberg is coming back to ensure that his movie series doesn’t end up much different from the originals.

“It’s great fun to play this character, it’s great fun to work with Steven,” Harrison Ford said “I’m looking forward to it.” He said after he accepted the role.

Set the date for July 19, 2019