The Most Fabulous Conservative


Eric Carr (11th), Reporter

Milo Yiannopoulos, the quite charming British homosexual conservative, has been causing an uproar among triggered liberals he leaves in his wake. Although one would think he’s seeking attention, he’s far from a troll. Growing in popularity for his rhetoric against feminism, Black Lives Matter, (as well as speaking ironically against gay rights), and endorsing “Daddy” Trump and the patriarchy, Yiannopoulos has become the messiah against left wing movements, speaking at colleges and tweeting to his 208K followers on twitter.


Yiannopoulos rose to fame in 2014, as he covered the Gamergate Controversy, where he attacked feminists who argued that video games were sexist, and men who played them were misogynistic.


“There aren’t many people who would stick up for an odd guy with no money who lives in Wisconsin, hates his wife, plays video games to escape from his miserable life and is suddenly told that just because he likes playing Grand Theft Auto he is a sexist misogynist pig. I feel for that guy.” Yiannopoulos said in an interview with


Currently, Yiannopoulos is a writer for the conservative newspaper, where his articles focus on a range of topics, such as the “fat Barbie” as well as third wave feminism.


As well as writing articles for brietbart,  Yiannopoulos tweets daily and uploads podcasts and talks to his YouTube channel. Recently, he spoke with Martin Shkreli, the “pharma bro” who jacked up the price for a life saving drug. where they discussed capitalism and politics for an hour.


Yiannopoulos has targeted celebrities over twitter, most recently comedian Amy Schumer.


“I’ll #ResistCapitalism when @AmySchumer resists doughnuts” Yiannopoulos tweeted.


“@amyschumer blocked me when I said her brother in law looked like a fa**ot” he tweeted a few days later.


For 2016, Yiannopoulos has launched “The Dangerous Fa**ot Tour”, which, in its non censored form, describes Milo perfectly. The goal of his tour is to give take free speech as far as it can go, unlimited in rhetoric. He also launched his tour to raise funds for his “Privilege Grant”, a $2,500 scholarship available to white men only. His speeches, taking place in colleges across the country, have sparked debate, as videos (some almost to a million views) show the protesters his talks triggered and screaming at Milo. Most famous is the so called “Trigglypuff”, a feminist who flailed her arms and began shouting on video.


Typically, instead of throwing out the protesters, Milo debates with them on the spot. More often than not, the protestors resort to screaming obscenities and rejecting Yiannopoulos’ facts as “sexist” or “racist”. Some people simply leave in tears. For those who can hold an argument, Yiannopoulos commend and applauds them.


Glenn Beck, a conservative talk show host and founder of The Blaze, compared Yiannopoulos to the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. He claimed Yiannopoulos was trying to “poison the republic.”


Yiannopoulos replied by saying “It’s so weird that he’d go with Goebbels when there are so many gay Nazis to choose from! Typically lazy. When people wheel out Hitler and the Nazis it’s generally because they don’t have any arguments left.”


During one of the tours, conservative comedian and podcast host Steven Crowder said to a group of protestors, “This monster right here (pointing to Milo) that you’re so afraid of, the face you see in your nightmares, was created by social justice warriors like you!”


Milo has been hailed as the face of new conservatism. His views have gathered the disenfranchised right wing youth of the world. Milo has spoken about new conservativeism, warning older conservatives that the older conservatism ideology will either die out, or retire, just like its followers.


Even if you don’t agree with Milo and his views, you can’t deny the fact that that he is growing stronger. As the world begins to realize what left wing ideology is bringing to the world, who would’ve imagined it would rally behind a 32 year old British journalist.