The Tragedy of Hurricane Harvey


Tim Sanchez (10th), Reporter

What a mass tragedy that Hurricane Harvey has done to our land.

This tragic disaster has already taken the lives of 66 people and has damaged so much that it has cost 70 billion dollars just to fix it all as said by CNN. After the hurricane first struck, many were literally left walking in water. The Texas Army came in the nick of time to help many of the survivors who had felt the raging winds and waters of the hurricane.

Survivors were interviewed and were very disappointed over the loss of their homes or their businesses. One survivor identified as Danielle said, “We walked through four feet of water to go get food on the first day.”

The start of Hurricane Harvey happened on August 17th, 2017. The first place where it struck was the Windward Island. Once the storm soon turned into a hurricane and hit Windward Island, it soon took a turn south of the Barbados and near Saint Vincent. It then went from the Caribbean Sea and raged on and hit Rockport, Texas.

Many did not expect this hurricane to hit this place but the unthinkable did occur. Even though the hurricane raged on for 15 days, it did much more damage than many hurricanes that came earlier on.

Hurricane Harvey also created the loss of 66 lives, including one from the Windward Island. Texas Army pulled many out of the water and escorted them to shelters. People are still donating for the loss of many of the survivors through online pages, such as, and even physically flying out to Texas to provide relief. Because many homes have been destroyed by the path of Harvey, people have been living in temporary shelters.

While the winds and the rains of Hurricane Harvey have begun to die down, the effects of this disaster carry on. Lives have been lost and homes and properties have been destroyed. But through the tragedy, People still must remain strong and pray for many who are recovering or are hurt.

The Texas Hurricane might be over, but in America’s mind it will not be forgotten. People are definitely in despair over everything that has happened, but it is crucial that Americans unite for this cause.