AP Testing Already? Yikes, time for long, painful nights of studying.

AP Testing Already? Yikes, time for long, painful nights of studying.

Melisa Lanzar (12th), Reporter

As Spring rolls around and the academic year is coming to an end, all of our seniors are prepared to pack their bags and leave, while the rest of the Pitman students are awaiting for the arrival of Summer! However, for the majority of the AP students, they must face a bigger barrier that is silently prepared for them before they have any chance of celebration and relaxation which is AP exams…

Yes, you read that right, it is that time of the year again. Some students might have begun months/weeks of preparation and studying for the exams awaiting them; on the other hand, there are also those students who procrastinated and will cram a whole lot of material the night before. Either way, any student who is taking an AP exam or more will eventually find themself stressed and anxious as is normal for all of us. Therefore, I have provided some tips below on how to relax and prepare your mind in order to take any AP exam.

The first and most important tip to prepare yourself for the exams is STUDYING! It cannot be stressed enough how vital preparing oneself and taking a test with a confident and radiant mindset will lead to positive outcomes and results. Even if your exam is in a week or days, take time to study and gather all your knowledge in the best way possible.

We decided to ask Claudia Mendoza, a Pitman High senior, how many hours of studying she recommends, as she has experience herself; she replied with stating “ I would recommend maybe half an hour to an hour of studying each day if one is expecting to cram information in a week before the AP test.”

Another tip is to get a good night’s rest the day before any AP exam in order to wake up with a positive and refreshed mindset that is prepared for examination. Waking up tired and groggy will lead to a disappointing outcome on your exam and nobody wants that.

A key factor that can also contribute to a successful outcome on your AP exam is getting a nice, healthy breakfast the morning of your exam. By eating breakfast in the morning, one is preparing their mind and body for the 4 hours of continuous stress and mind racking material they will be facing.

Last but definitely not least, always make sure even during your examination, it is very vital that you breathe and trust yourself and your capabilities. Believe in your knowledge and take your AP exams with confidence; always remember that the number you receive on your exams do not define who you are as a person. To those taking any AP exams, get a good night’s rest and goodluck!