Best Games to Pick Up 2019-2020


Cole Draper (9th), Reporter


You may be wondering what game are you after next in 2019 or 2020, is it a more RPG oriented game or perhaps a shooter or maybe even Survival horror. To MMOs to Singleplayer and much more, but their not getting as much attention as you believe or perhaps you have no idea the game even exists.


  First, up the fantasy RPG adventure game set in the 17th century, Greedfall, developed by Spiders. Spiders is a French video game developer founded by several French developers who previously worked on the game Silverfall. Greedfall is a very interesting game with a very interesting plot and story. 


The game brings back those classic RPG vibes that BIOWARE used to give us. Its use of the 17th-century colonial vibe makes it very unique and captures something we haven’t really experienced before. Overall Greedfall seems to be a very solid game yet the game seems to be overlooked and underrated at the moment and I find it strange to see a game with such a good spin to be flying under the radar. Greedfall releases on September 10th at 9:00 on XBOX, PC, and Playstation.


  Our next game comes from the famous creator of the Metal Gear Solid franchise Hideo Kojima. Death Stranding, not much is known as to the exact story to Death Stranding but its notable for Norman Reedus playing the main protagonist of the game Kojima mentions how it will be a brand new genre of gaming which caught the eye of a lot of people if a game being made by Hideo Kojima wasn’t enough to get you hyped for it. Death Stranding is rather unknown despite how many trailers they have shown. Death Stranding releases November 8th for PS4. 


The next game on our list is a game that has been re-released and brought back to its glory days, Classic World of Warcraft. Classic WoW was something that caught the eye of A LOT of people. During the Classic WoW days, they had the highest amount of subscribers constantly playing the game and as you know the game became a huge success.


 But eventually as more and more updates were released the game changed dramatically and many people left the franchise because of it. But now Classic WoW returns with Blizzard opening Classic WoW servers to the public on August 26th and it has become a big hit. You can pick it up now with the purchase of the main version unless you already have it. It is only on the PC.


  Our final game for this list Luigi’s Mansion 3. Luigi’s Mansion was a game launched on the Gamecube and had a very unique style to it with Luigi running around the mansion sucking ghosts up with a vacuum the game was downright fun and now it returns for its third installment on Nintendo switch. It releases on October 31st, 2019.

  Sometimes it’s you could find a game you never even heard of and it can be one of the best games you’ve ever played.