Club Rush

Emily Ascencio (12th), Reporter

Over the past few years Pitman has gained many unique and interesting clubs that students have yet to explore. We have clubs like; Film Club, Empowerment Club, Art Club, Science Club, Music Club and more.

  There’s a club for everyone and most of these clubs are in need of members now that last year’s class of 2019 has moved on. Many students have had the tendency to join a club for a week or two and never return. They don’t consider how joining a club can benefit them in their high school career or even help them get into their dream college.

Universities don’t just look at grades, they also look at what interests you and the activities that you spend doing during your free time. It shows what makes you unique. Any student applying to university can have a perfect GPA or an amazing SAT score. They’ve seen that millions of time. Universities want to see that you’re also dedicating yourself to your personal interests and working up to your goals. 

It’s good to stick with a club during high school. It shows that you’re committed and take the time out of your busy schedule to learn something new or gain a new skill. Take into consideration what some of these clubs have in store for you. 

Math Club has a lot to offer, especially for those who struggle with math. Club President, Kyle Eshagh, gave a brief description of how this club can benefit you. 

“First of all, it gives them an opportunity to go ahead and study and practice math, it could lead to higher GPA and grade boost. Second, it looks really good on college transcripts having been part of the Math Club because we do a very intense competition once a year in which multiple schools compete.” 

Pitman’s Art Club has some fun activities planned this year. Art Club President, Mayra Soria, encouraged students to join her club and take advantage of the opportunities they have to offer. 

“We have many community service opportunities. If you’re trying to fill up some hours without doing such a large amount of work just come to Art Club. It’s very easy. We are trying to implement some more class like activities. During lunch we could maybe do a life drawing session. We are also going to be doing murals for the library.” 

Next up we have a brand new club at Pitman, the Climate Awareness Club. Club President, Gabriela Robego, gave a short overview of what the club is all about. 

“I feel like it benefits the students by showing how to make their lives better and more climate aware. They can make small changes that can help the environment as a whole and they could encourage others to do the same. We’re planning on doing an Earth Day event. We’re going to try and organize some conservation trip by going out to the beach or basically anywhere that needs conservation done.” 

Last we have the Science Club. This club is good for those who are interested in entering any field of science. Club President, Marcus Hawley, explained how the club can benefit those who show an interest for science.  

“Two main things. One: science enrichment and education. We do rallies and demonstrations and have guest speakers come in so you can learn a little bit more about the industry and science as a whole. Two: college applications. Our sister club Science Olympiad is an academic competition. It is a nationally recognized competition and it looks very good on college resumes.” 

Just because there are only a few clubs mentioned here doesn’t mean that these are the only clubs on campus. There are many more that could peak your interest. I suggest you take some time to look through the club list and visit a few meetings. Try something new. You’ll never know.