Slam Poetry Club


Nathalie Hernandez (12th), Editor-in-Chief

Writing is a beautiful piece and structure to life. We are all writers in this world somehow, and that is why I present to you this wonderful Thursday Club: Slam Poetry Club!

Slam Poetry is a safe space lead by senior English teacher Mrs. Busby! The officers consist of President: Tim Sanchez better known as Timtation, Vice President: Ivan Valdovinos, Secretary: Ethan Hernandez, No treasurer and Ryhan Dhillon as Publicity chair.

Now sadly over the years and currently now the club has had very few members and we are at risk of losing the club! Here is more information on the club and why you should join!

Pitman ́s Slam Poetry Club meets every Thursday in room B112 during lunchtime (pending on changing the day). It was founded by former Pitman student Richard Yates in the fall of 2015 and has continued since then.

Now what exactly is slam poetry do you ask? 

 ̈ Slam poetry is basically where poetry and performance come together ̈ says Ms. Busby.

Ms. Busby told us about some fun opportunities Pitman Poets and writers can have! Practically Slam Poetry is sponsoring a poet every month in the library by showcasing their poem in Mrs. Bryant, Pitman librarian, cozy corner! 

Now what exactly would make you want to join? Well if you like hearing others feelings and beautiful words in poetry recited or read out loud then I encourage you to go to Ms. Busby ́s class on Thursdays!

Along with fun poems and videos watched here are some ideas of things coming up for the club!

October: Campus- wide fall poetry writing contest (PRIZE INCLUDED FOR WINNERS) Button Poetry videos, and a monthly featured poet!

November: Lunchtime performances, gather ̈ Secrets,̈ featured poet! ( GO to the club to know what Secrets mean)

December: Lunchtime performances, present secrets, writing workshop during break, featured poet

January: lunchtime performances, bring a friend promotion, Button Poetry videos, featured poet,

February: lunchtime performances, Button Poetry videos, featured poet

March: lunchtime performances, Charitable event sponsored by slam club, featured poet

April: campus wide poetry slam contest (PRIZE FOR WINNER) lunchtime performances

May: ̈ A Gathering of Slam Poets ̈ show- a unified performance with other schools.

As well as a few writing workshops scheduled after school.

Timothy Sanchez, Slam Poetry Club President, spoke to us to inform us more on the club.

Tim Sanchez gave us insight on what would make students want to join, ̈Not only does it only help people to open up and gain self confidence, it gives people new perspectives. It lets people express themselves and their  feelings they can bring it out and it draws more people in ‘cause it inspires others to do the same.”

He believes that these are the type of people would be interested in joining the club,”The ones who have the interest or the ones who don’t have the desire too, are attendance is low so i go look for people some people can’t come

Those who like poetry can develop in the club.”

This is the grand Pitman Slam Society or club! Come join us every Thursday during lunch in Ms. Busby’s classroom: B112!