Caring About Judgment


Olivia Gonzalez (9th), Reporter

We all suffer from the Perfectionist Syndrome. Some of us do not acknowledge the fact that we do. Judgement is just one of the difficulties that humans fear to face because it is a true challenge to cope with and it alters the view of how people perceive one another. That includes their flaws, values, and appearance.

A teeming need rises within a human who is fretful of judgement and that teeming need is that they have to better themselves in order to cease the judgement that the people put on that single individual, even the most minor of criticism they have yet to eradicate. The reasons vary as to why this happens and solutions to how this fear of being judged could to an end.

As one of my interviewees, who prefers to remain anonymous in this article, has stated, “Judgement gets glued on me for a long time. I can’t get over it and no matter how many times I try to brush off the opinions, they still stay with me.” This shows that people’s opinions and harsh words toward an individual can stick with them and most of us care about being judged.

Us, as sentient and determined beings, strive for recognition, success and approval. Whether it’d be from a family member, a friend or someone we idolize greatly. Therefore, we attempt to fit in society without having to be alienated from it, however; the expectation doesn’t always become a reality for a few.

Social anxiety and other mental disorders that fall in the category of difficult dealing of judgement could be at fault for the way we cope with judgement and disapproval. People who have social issues are more sensitive and stressed by criticism. The people who are commonly affected are either introverted or are all the time being self absorbed.

The fine way of resolving these problems is to improve your social skills. If you successfully do that, your fear of judgement will subside or better yet poof into oblivion and you will be awarded with a confidence boost. Introverts often have these obstacles of socializing and interacting with others. If they are able to overcome these matters, then they’ll surely be more socially confident and distance themselves from the constant state of cowardice when being in a situation of evaluation.

A simple solution to improve is by having to adjust to having to interact with your peers more often than you would be used to. Smile more, perform eye contact, firmly shake hands and become an active listener is a good start to defeating socialphobia. Thus, practice makes perfect and with the right amount of it, then surely you will be able to have your head high and radiate a gleam of self confidence that was never there before when you are in public surrounded by crowds.

Don’t let others have the power in your life too. Opinions are mere beliefs and not statements, but do keep in mind that your words could have an impact on someone else’s well being and how they look at themselves in the mirror everyday or view themselves as a person. People are ignorant and mindless sometimes with their opinionated comments and remarks.