Pseudoscience is a Danger


Olivia Gonzalez (9th), Reporter

Pseudoscience is a dangerous issue. What is Pseudoscience precisely? The root word pseudo originated in Greece, meaning false. Pseudoscience is terrible for analysis and is often at times mistaken for being science when in all actuality, it’s the contrary. Instead of being proven with crucial pieces of evidence, this imposter of science consists of claims such as beliefs, practices and statements that are all dishonest.

Truth be told, these could be depicted as theories and nothing more. Mere ideas that come from the mind that are believed to be honest in any shape or form. Others believe these ideas of Pseudoscience could be truthful too.

In order to be proven as a certified fact, it has to go through a scientific method, though the method does vary. According to the site Steps of the Scientific Method by Science Buddies, the process has the hypothesis or theory go through a series of steps. These steps include testing and analyzing data. If the hypothesis or theory is successful enough to pass a thorough series of tests, it is scientifically proven. However, Pseudoscience does not obey those rules. The false form of science excludes the method, thus, making Pseudoscience dangerous.

What makes Pseudoscience so dangerous is because there is a lingering fact that these pseudoscientists, the ones behind the curtains, do not follow the scientific method. The claims were never before experimented with nor analyzed properly. It is difficult to tell if these individuals are simply frothing nonsense from the mouth or are speaking an ounce of truth. People in society are testing out these alternative treatments, medicines and therapies that are all based on Pseudoscience and effective lies.

These people who have a profound belief in anti-vaccination and homeopathic remedies, forgo important and most reliable medicines that are required to maintain good health. It said that plants, some oils and certain waters can cure the human body from fatal diseases like cancer. They then refuse honest medications that are prescribed by doctors.  This is harmful for both the mind and body of the person. People grasp what they believe is true through not just pseudoscientists, but even television!

Pseudoscience is the equivalent of fake news. It is ridiculous how many believe theories and not facts. They do not see the true side of these stories and stop believing what is true. This fake form of science is a grand deception that causes harmful outcomes, that includes death.

Pseudoscientists think what they generate from their minds and send out to the world is beneficial to their career. These scientists are money thriving leeches who’s rewards would be riches and fame. So I would have to agree with a classmate of mine who has stated during our interview that “If they (trustworthy products and methods) were reliable and can be prescribed by doctors, or something then I would consider those.” It is more safe and wise to consult a dependable doctor who’s studied hard in the medical field about what products you should take and what items you should not so you won’t promote the false products that are pseudoscience based.

It is important for people to direct their eyes toward the truth and not stay on the blind side of things. This can make a big difference and not lead these false believers to a path that shouldn’t at all be taken.