Being a Role Model

Being a Role Model

Chrishael Sanchez (11th), Reporter

A good role model is, by definition, a person who’s behavior or success is admired by others. This person is often described as inspiring, motivating, and encouraging. Living by example, they influence others around them to become the best versions of themselves.

People look to role models for a good example. They represent an inspirational ideal, motivating others to imitate his or her behavior. Stellar role models demonstrate confidence, leadership, originality, respect, compassion, humility, resilience, and more. Real role models possess the qualities we admire and desire to have; they influence us in such a way that inspires us to be better people.

Role models aren’t superhumans; in fact, they are just like us! Role models are just people who serve as a guide for others. They go through the same struggles and setbacks, emerging just as strong or even stronger than they were previously. They are masters of their own fate and seek to serve and inspire others to do and be the same.

It is crucial for children to have a role model in their lives. During adolescence, you are exposed to numerous outside influences and are prone to succumbing to temptations‒both good and bad. Kids are like sponges, soaking in their environment and mimicking the behavior of others surrounding them. For this reason, it is important for children to have positive role models!

Often, the first person children look up to are their parents or guardians. They look to these adults as guidelines for how they should behave in school, relationships, and difficult situations. Children may look up to more than one adult, seeing their teachers, counselors, coaches, advisors, and peers for guidance. Positive role models inspire the youth to live meaningful lives with integrity, optimism, hope, determination, and compassion; they play an integral part in a child’s development as a person.

Joana Ilmedo, a freshman at Pitman High School, states, “I look up to my mom because she’s always there to give me information about what to do in the future.”

Jessica Sjouerman, a close friend of mine attending University of British Columbia, talks about one of her role models: “I look up to my coworker Karen, she’s 60 years old, but still works herself to the bone everyday. She is one of the kindest and most loving people I have ever met and everyone among the staff goes to her for any issue and any problem. She is extremely forgiving and just radiates sincerity and love! She will stand up for what she believes in, but still respects others opinions and treats everyone as her own.”

She adds, “I aspire to be a role model one day, but I don’t think I’m quite there yet. I want others to be able to look up to me, but I still have much to learn.”

Role models are very important to have! Having a positive person to look up to is incredibly beneficial to your growth as a person and your outlook on life. True role models inspire, motivate, and encourage just as Joana’s and Jessica’s do so.