We’re Sick


Raven Genova

Hey! Did you want to go out this weekend?

Oh, you’re sick?

What do you mean you’re sick?

You’re sick? Just like Sarah and Nick?

Sick as this, the sick that get sick because this thick sick plagues us all

Trapped in this sick

Thrown into the mess of a hall

Trapped in with us all

Why are you all getting sick?

What’s going on? Why are we all getting sick?

We were well just Wednesday

The sun sets and the sick sinks in

Infecting us all with the sick

All of us affected, all of us sick

Wait, we’re not just sick?

We’re dying, we’re dead

What’s going on, where’d this stick?

Changing the whole world, hiding our faces, hiding our lives

Changing us, changing our lives

Putting the spotlight on what matters, you don’t matter

Black lives matter, say their names, unite the nation

Plays its games, follow the virus, fight the virus

Get the shot, kill the virus, combat the virus

More and more it spreads, more and more we die

It’s not gone, it’s still here, this is the life you will grow up in

There is no normal anymore, everyone is sick, most everyone is living

No virus can stop us, no more news, no more media

No one cares, give us our lives

Stop the sick, kill the virus


**This poem was chosen by the Poetry Club to be featured in The Roaring Times’ printed newspaper, and now online.  See Mrs. Leitz for more information on the Poetry Club.