Upcoming Pitman School Events and Days Off

March 1, 2023
Do you feel confused by the schedule of events and days off at Pitman? Do you always seem to realize an event is happening the day of and wish you had more foresight going into it? Well this article is the solution for you. Here I’ve listed and organized the remaining events and days off at Pitman into an easy-to-read format with the dates in chronological order. So, no longer will you have to scramble to prepare for an event or not know of a three day weekend.
March 17 – Start of Quarter 3
- Quarter 3 will be starting March 17, so make sure to be ready and have all assignments turned in before then.
April 1st – Prom
- Prom will be held on a yacht cruise in San Francisco on April 1st.
April 7-14 – Spring Break
- Spring Break will be starting on April 7th and we will have a whole week of break before coming back.
May 24th – Grade Nite
- For seniors, the graduation trip to Disneyland will leave on May 24th and come back May 25th.
May 29th – Memorial Day
- On May 29th we will have the day off for Memorial Day, so that families can remember and pay respect for veterans lost.
June 2nd – Last Day of School!
- On June 2nd we will be having our last day of finals as well as our final day of the school year! After June 2nd it will be Summer break until August 14th in the Fall which is the start of the 2023/2024 school year.
That’s all of the events and breaks for the remainder of the school year all put together in a neat and chronological order. If you’re ever confused on when a dance is or when your next break is, you can use this article as a helpful guide to remember. So until next year, you’re set on knowing what’s going to happen and when.