The Roaring Times

The Student Newspaper of John H. Pitman High School.

The Roaring Times

The Roaring Times

Conspiracies Behind 9/11

Conspiracies Behind 9/11

It has been twenty two years since the disastrous attacks on September 11, 2001. However, many engineers are saying that the way the World Trade Centers fell was suspicious. 

 9/11 was a devastating attack with more than 2,600 people that died at the World Trade Center; 125 died at the Pentagon; 256 died on the four planes. The death toll exceeded the Pearl Harbor Attack in 1941. 

The media as told us that the supposed hijackers were from the Islamic Terrorist group known as al-Qaeda had planned four simultaneous attacks crashing commercial airplanes into the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, and the passengers and crew in the fourth plane somehow overcame the hijackers and landed into a rural field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Many think that that plane was supposed to crash into the White House or the Capitol Building. 

Since the attack, there have been many conspiracies that have arisen. Many people speculate that the attack was caused by the government, others speculate that people knew about the attack. Nonetheless the media has been speculating theories all over the Internet. 

The presumed men were trained by al-Qaeda, including Addulaziz al-Omari. Addulaziz al-Omari, more commonly known as Omari. He was a Saudi terrorist and one of the five hijackers of the American Airlines Flight 11. However, on September 23rd, 2001 a man by the name of Addulaziz al-Omari was found. He had the same name and the same birthdate as one of the “terrorists”. This Omari has stated that he has no idea how to fly and did not fly the plane that crashed into the North tower at 8:46 a.m. This man had said that his passport had been stolen in 1995, when he studied electrical engineering at the University of Denver. He was in fact the real al-Omari. 

The real Al-Omari stated that “The name is my name and the birthdate is the same as mine, but I am not the one who bombed the World Trade Center in New York.” 

Apparently, the 9/11 attacks have been on the CIA’s list of potential threats but the Bush Foundation dismissed it. Another popular theory that has appeared is that Jewish neoconservatives were behind the attacks. Many who believe this theory claim that the leaders of the neoconservative political ideology that are Jewish, plotted with members of the Bush Administration. They allegedly had the help of the Mossad to implement the attacks in order to benefit Israel. It also believed that Jewish people were informed about 9/11 and decided to stay home. However, there is little evidence to support these claims. 

Another theory is that the federal government knew about these attacks and decided to let them happen to provide a pretense for invading Iraq. According to the website,, “Islamist extremists had given plenty of warning that they meant to kill Americans indiscriminately and in large numbers.” 

Many engineers have also come out and talked about the fact that the World Trade Centers that were over 1,368 feet tall couldn’t have crumpled down like that. Richard Gage, founder of Architects & Engineers has stated that, “The World Trade Center was brought down by explosive demolition on September 11, 2001.” 

One notable fact about the attacks on the World Trade centers was the concrete beneath them was completely pulverized or beat into dust. New York’s governor George Pataki said, “There’s no concrete. There’s very little concrete. All you see is aluminum and steel. The concrete was pulverized. And I was down here on Tuesday, and it was like you were on a foreign planet. All over Manhattan-not just this site-from river to river, there was dust, powder two, three inches thick. The concrete was just pulverized.” In order to break down these buildings about 1,255 gigajoules would have been needed however, the energy in the buildings was 508 gigajoules. 


A sophomore at Pitman, Ismerai Suarez, believes that the terrorists were behind the attack. She said that, “The media and the government have been telling us the terrorists were behind the attacks for a long time.” But, I think the most suspicious part about the attacks were the terrorists taking over the planes.” 

Another sophomore at Pitman who doesn’t want to be mentioned, thinks that George W. Bush had something to do with the attacks. They said that, “I think they planned the attacks but then decided to pay some people to take the blame.” 

There are many more conspiracies that surround the topic of 9/11. The media has been throwing around different conspiracies and topics. It’s up to you to believe who was behind these attacks. If you’re interested, below are some links.