The Roaring Times

The Student Newspaper of John H. Pitman High School.

The Roaring Times

The Roaring Times

Listen Up Freshmen!

Listen Up Freshmen!

With the new year, comes new kids… Welcome class of 2027! Pitman is happy to have you guys come in and make our Pride family merrier! High school is a place to enjoy your friendships and build new ones. This is the place to make memories so you have something to look back on when you’re old and have gray hair. So be sure to enjoy yourself here before anything

Four years may seem like an eternity and I promise the days will feel extremely long, but in a blink of an eye, it’ll be senior year and then graduation day. You will be walking down the stage, with your friends and family yelling your name and clapping for you, your successes and accomplishments! First couple of weeks will feel liberating and you can sleep in but then reality will set in as you realize you will probably not see most of the people you are used to seeing everyday ever again. Now this might make you a little sad but you’ll get over it soon enough. What you might not get over so easily will be the guilty feeling of wasting your high school life and enjoying it to the fullest. But maybe not. Maybe high school is just not your cup of tea. Maybe you don’t like people. 

You can either wallow in regrets in 5 or 6 years about all the things you could’ve done but didn’t or you can look back happily on all the pictures you took and all the friends you made and all the adventures you went on. It’s truly all in your hands. 

Here are some freshmen teachers’ advice for the class of 2027! 

Sara Smith (ELA)- “My best advice to freshmen is to make sure they are managing their time wisely. They may need an agenda or a calendar to write their assignments and due dates in. They may set alarms on their phones to remind them to complete their homework. If they manage their time wisely, everything else usually falls into place. My second piece of advice is to make sure they are communicating their needs to their teachers, whether it is through email or a conversation between classes.”

Jessica Insell (ELA)- “When it comes to academics, please charge your Chromebook and make sure you have all necessary materials for each class.  If you are struggling, do not be afraid to ask for help.  Teachers are here to help you learn. Do not just sign up for a Pride Time because your friends are there or because you do not need to do anything. Take advantage of the extra time to get the help you need. If you are doing well in your classes, help others.”

She continued with, “When it comes to the social aspect of being a freshman, get involved.  Join a sports team or a club.  Go to games and participate in school activities.  High school is what you make of it.  If you say it is boring, then high school will be boring.  Try to find the good. Say hello to the person who is alone.  You never know what is going on with others.  Most importantly, be respectful. Respect yourself, respect others, and respect our campus.”

Brian Hofsteen (Science)- “My advice would be [to] always try your best at whatever you do [and also remember that] what you do now matters for your future, plan ahead so that you’re not trying to catch up later.”

Marcus Hatchell (ELA)- “I recommend that freshmen get involved in as many activities as they can. Join clubs. Try out for sports. Get involved in music or theater.  We have so many options for students here at Pitman, and if we don’t have whatever it is that you are passionate about, create it yourself. Of course, my favorite option is to join the Game Club.”

He added, “I also advise freshmen to look at the big picture of high school. If you have to be here for the next four years, engage with academics too, not just extracurricular activities.  Ask yourself, how can you spend the next four years developing the skills and knowledge that will help you be successful for the rest of your life?  Don’t focus on grades. Focus on learning the material and the grades will come all by themselves. One day, you’ll look back and be glad that you did.”

At the end of the day, how you live your life, especially in high school, is on you. Comfort is important, but so is meeting new people and making new memories; everything is your choice! Just remember, you’re always only one decision away from living a completely different life.