It’s finally that time of the year again. A new set of seniors enter their last year of High School, me included. As a senior myself, I think looking back at how far I have come throughout high school will never get old. When you enter high school you are a completely different person than who high school has shaped you into being by the end of it. As seniors, I think we have always dreamed of the day we finally reach the end, so we have curated many expectations and predictions as to how it would feel and be like. But how are those expectations and predictions going so far?
I looked around at the seniors in my class and questioned how they felt. Everyone’s lives are so different when you take a closer look at them.
I asked some of my fellow seniors these questions:
- How have they felt the last 3 years went?
- How do seniors feel about their last year?
- How have the first 2 weeks gone?
- What expectations did you have growing up for your senior year?
My first interview went to Estefani Perez (senior) she said, “The last three years of high school have gone by fast. I am excited to move on from high school but also sad because this means that I have to be an adult. The last 2 weeks of school have gone by fast but very easy. An expectation that I was expecting is for all of my classes to be easy and hopefully it goes by fast.”
Rosa Ochoa was the second senior I interviewed here at Pitman.
“The last three years have flown by, even though the days felt long, I can still remember my first day of freshman year starting on zoom. I feel ready to be done but also it is bittersweet because I am experiencing all my high school experiences for the last time. My first two weeks have gone fast and I have been super busy. I have always expected my senior year to be the most fun, exciting, and fulfilling.”
I am so excited to see how the 2023-2024 school years end for us seniors. The impact we will have on the school and the impact the school will have on us. It truly is such an amazing blessing to go through your four years of high school in one place growing up with the same people for years. Seeing each other grow into the people we will become as our life transitions into the real world.