The Roaring Times

The Student Newspaper of John H. Pitman High School.

The Roaring Times

The Roaring Times

Do Microwaves Cause Cancer?

Do Microwaves Cause Cancer?

It’s a long held discussion that microwaves cause cancer. Some believe that the radiation that a microwave produces is linked to cancer, whereas others believe that the dish that is heated, the chemicals inside of that go into our food. Nonetheless, these speculations cause many people to be afraid of their microwave.  

There have been many misconceptions and rumors about microwaves for many years. Microwave ovens first began to appear in homes in the 1940’s but became very popular in the 1960’s. They were originally created for use in restaurants so that during a rush, people could quickly get their food and it would be hot. They soon started to appear in homes and many housewives appreciated it because they would be able to cook food faster and be able to reheat food quicker for their husband’s, usually after they came home from work. 

The invention of the microwave was considered an “accident.” The inventor, Percy Spencer, was leading a radar project for the defense giant, Raytheon. While testing a new vacuum tube, called megatron, he found that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted from the heat. Due to this he decided to try another experiment, in which he placed popcorn kernels near the megatron, and he started to watch the popcorn kernels pop into delicious popcorn. 

Spencer continuously started to experiment with different foods to figure out what exactly was happening. He placed an egg near the magnetron, and the egg began to move due to the heat creating pressure from inside the egg. The egg exploded and Spencer noticed that the yolk was hot. He created a metal box and the microwave was born. 

Ever since the 1940’s, different types of theories and conspiracies have been formed regarding the use of the microwave. The first one being that microwaved water alters DNA and kills plants. This became a speculation when a girl microwaved water from her science experiment, and then watered plants with it. The experiment supposedly showed that the radiation from the microwaved water can kill a plant. However, there is really no research or other experiments, and microwaving water only makes the molecules in the food vibrate. 

Another very popular theory behind microwaves is that microwaves cause food to become radioactive. The main reason behind this is that people came without a conspiracy that the chemicals from heated dishes will seep into the food which then, causes the food to become some sort of radioactive substance. However, this theory has been proven wrong many times. For one, microwaves do not produce radioactive waves, they are electromagnetic waves, so there is really no possible way to make your food radioactive. Microwaves in general heat food up by penetrating the food, causing the water molecules and other electrically asymmetrical molecules to spring back and forth, which then warms the food. 

The most popular theory behind microwaves is that they cause cancer. This particular myth came from a popular email that’s been circulating for many years. The reality behind it is that Microwaves do not cause cancer. Microwave ovens operate using radiofrequency radiation, which is at the low energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum; this has not been proven to be linked to cancer. 

The type of radiation that causes cancer is ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation includes gamma rays, x-rays, etc. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to damage DNA and cause cancer. This type of radiation is found in neutron stars, black holes, and the nuclear industry. 

Unless you’re working in the nuclear industry, mining, or working in space chances are your microwave will not give you cancer. Most of these “scientifically proven theories” are just myths that people have come up with no research to back it up. Your microwave is not something you should fear. 

I decided to interview three people about what they believe about whether or not they believe microwaves are harmful. They preferred not to be named so I will be referring to them as Sophomore 1 and Sophomore 2. 

Question: How often would you say that you use a microwave? 

Sophomore 1: “Probably one to two times a day.”

Sophomore 2:  “Once a day to once everyday.”


Question: What misconceptions have you heard about microwaves? 

Sophomore 1: “I haven’t heard any, besides the fact that microwaves cause cancer.” 

Sophomore 2: “It gives you cancer.” 

Question: Are there any reasons as to why you believe or don’t believe that microwaves cause cancer? 

Sophomore 1: “I don’t believe microwaves cause cancer because it’s a very outrageous thought that they can.” 

Sophomore 2: “I don’t believe it then because, legally, they would have to give you a warrant and it would be more talked about in the media.”