On April 9th,2024 The Great North America Eclipse happened; eclipses only occur once every hundred years, it’s very rare. Before the eclipse did you feel very overwhelmed and like everything was falling apart? Well, the reason for that was because of the Eclipse’s energy, how it affects your emotions. In astrology the real new year begins on March 19, 2024. During the spring Equinox, this astrological new year signifies new beginnings, fresh starts, breaking old habits, and more. That’s why many things were falling apart before the eclipse or you may think were falling apart, but in our journey, it later leads to rebirth of self and recreation. The astrological new year and eclipse are linked together because they both signify new beginnings. However, this eclipse and astrological new year also caused many relationships and friendships to end. The purpose of the eclipse happening was to make everything come to the surface, meaning the number of hidden feelings and discomfort this is to make all things that aren’t aligning with our highest good. They then cause us to prepare ourselves to move on. Many people are learning to set boundaries for themselves, prepare and set themselves for solitude. Solitude helps us in varieties of ways, including self-exploration, growth, self-development, and new hobbies. releasing any self-doubt or insecurities.
Now I’ll begin describing how the solar eclipse resembles your sign, starting off with Taurus, the solar Eclipse for you resembles inner study, something bigger than yourself and working toward your future. If you’re a Capricorn the eclipse effects and rebuilds your family and home life, meaning new bonds, strengthening new bonds within relationships. Aries resembles new personal beginnings and healing. Those are just some of the signs but overall, mostly every sign is experiencing new beginnings within self or just in general in their life. We often view change as something negative when it’s best for us to level up in life. We are always rebirthing ourselves with new identities and shedding things that no longer serve us. That simply is a cycle in our life, nothing ever stays the same, everything is temporary, so we need to be more in the present. Regarding the Eclipse there is simply change everywhere, meaning overall in life we always go through major changes. Throughout life we experience everything temporary for the better, life is much better when you’re in the presence moment instead of dwelling on the past. Life is simply a beautiful experience we experience all the same emotions but different situations. Life is happening for us not to us, our lives have so much potential, we need to explore that within ourselves. Every aspect of our life is for our highest good so enjoy the “negative” and “positive” all life is a journey so go with the flow!!!