The Roaring Times

The Student Newspaper of John H. Pitman High School.

The Roaring Times

The Roaring Times

Where to Choose to Study Abroad


Studying abroad is one of the most popular attractions of university life to students world wide. For those who take interest in both travel and completing a degree, nothing seems better than temporarily living in a new country while still working on completing classes for graduation. Some attributes to be put into consideration about choosing a country to study in will be the lifestyle, population quantity, resources, and climate of the nation.  There is a lot to think about when choosing where to live, and studying abroad is a great way to see what one prefers and does not prefer in their living conditions.

Everyone has their own idea of an adequate lifestyle; this may look like being busy all the time in a big city or being relaxed in a less hectic environment. This lifestyle will not only determine how the student will live while being abroad, but will also decide what the people around them will act like. If one prefers an area with less competition for a more laid back experience, this could include a smaller city or town. If one prefers more of a hustle culture, a large city with lots of competition may be their best bet. This goes hand in hand with how populated the student prefers their environment. If they want to experience what it is like to be in the middle of it all with lots of people constantly around them, a large city will make an excellent choice. On the other hand, if the student prefers smaller circles and less people to run into on a daily basis, considering staying in a less populated area will be a better choice. 

Choosing where to study abroad should be determined on the student’s preferences for climate and resources. For those who hate the rain, maybe studying in London would not be suitable for them. Climate and weather patterns have a large impact on people’s moods and ability to concentrate. When one is out of their element and feels negatively towards the environmental conditions they are experiencing, they may have a negative look on their entire experience while studying out of the country. Resources are another important factor, those who want to study business should stay in an area that has more opportunities for them, like a larger city. One should make sure they do not land in an area that has no opportunities for them outside of their studies. Studying abroad opens many doors for finding what one wants to do in the future and without that chance, but it may not be worth the money. I have decided to include an interview of a college bound friend of mine, Zaria Williamson. I asked her where she would love to study abroad and why, Zaria’s response included, “Denmark has always been a place where I have wanted to see. Being able to study in Copenhagen would be an amazing opportunity since the country houses about 34,000 international students, meaning there will be other English speakers and I won’t feel like I am all alone. Also, I love the city and have always wanted to live in a large European urban area.” Being able to identify what one wants to experience from the country they will study abroad in is essential to setting up a successful time overseas.

The ability to study abroad is an amazing way to get to know the world for students who want to work globally or stay in one place. It can be an eye opening experience for many but should be planned correctly. By researching one’s preferences in the lifestyle, population quantity, resources and climate they are able to find a perfect destination for them to learn.