Coronavirus and Distance Learning

Jonathon Beals (9th), Reporter

We all have different and individual beliefs about coronavirus and distance learning, so I asked a couple of teachers about their beliefs on the pandemic and distance learning. I also asked some classmates about their opinions and thoughts about the biggest issue of 2020 so far.

Mrs. Aubertin had this to say on current issues, “ I do understand the severity of COVID-19 and would never want to jeopardize anyone’s health or safety. With that being said, I have been extremely impressed with how adaptable the students have been. They have been present, engaged and making the best of the situation. My biggest hope is that we can all safely return to campus in the near future.”

She believes that Corona itself is obviously dangerous and can endanger lives out there. She also hopes that we can be on campus as soon as possible and safely as well.

There is a big issue with the fact Corona is a deadly flu like sickness. Previous outbreaks were worse than this one such as Spanish Flu. Once vaccines are out this will be nothing more than a flu that we thought was going to end the world. But to get a different perspective on things I asked  classmates about their thoughts on the world crisis.

A friend of mine, Emily Roland, had this to say about the issues occurring, “When [COVID-19] first started and we went on “lockdown” back in March I didn’t really care much because I thought we would be back in school much sooner than we are going to be. Not being able to socialize with others in person has taken its toll on my friends and myself. I took summer school classes over summer break which gave me somewhat of a head start on what distance learning would look like. It was different than normal school in many ways, and it was much more difficult to ask teachers questions. During summer school I learned that depending on my friends was one of the best ways to have the motivation to complete my work. Now, doing distance learning for the actual school year, it is different; different than summer school. It reminds me of what I’m missing: high school memories. However, class is class in whatever form it comes in, and once things become better we will hopefully, one day, continue on in our lives as if none of this ever happened.”

She believes that once COVID-19 is over we will be back in class like nothing ever happen. Hopefully she is correct; I really do hope we get out of this sooner or later. And hopefully we can just get over it like a bumpy road. But maybe we don’t all have different opinions judging most of the answers were on these lines. But of course as a society and civilization we need to work towards one common goal and that’s being able to safely go to school.